Have you been diagnosed with diabetes and don’t understand how it happened to you or what you should do about it?
Do you have high cholesterol and need to take medication for it, but don’t know how to avoid or reduce the medication dose?
Did you get the Covid-19 virus and not realize how serious it is?
Are you concerned about developing heart disease or dying from a heart attack?
Do you have cancer or know someone who does and want to understand if it is survivable?
If you said yes to any of these questions, I invite you to watch this new informational video created for my 5th book, Your Health Is At Risk.
All these are “lifestyle” diseases – diabetes, viral pandemics, high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer. There may be a genetic cause for some of these conditions, but they largely occur because of the wrong choices people make about their diet, their level of exercise, and their overall living conditions and travel that exposes one to other infected persons. That is why they are called lifestyle diseases.
Most people are very confused about these lifestyle diseases. They do not understand what causes them, if they can be prevented, how to treat them, or if they can be reversed.
A major cause for this confusion is that people are overwhelmed with information about these health conditions. Television, radio, magazines, and social media inundate the public with advice about lifestyle conditions.
The problem is that much of the information about lifestyle diseases is disinformation, misinformation, or missing some useful component. Extensive disinformation was intentionally used about Covid-19 for political reasons. Many people do not understand Type 2 diabetes because of misinformation. And the public’s understanding of high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer and its treatment is often incomplete because of missing information.
A new book is now available to help you gain a better understanding of lifestyle diseases based on science. Author and Patient advocate, Dr. John Poothullil has written Your Health is at Risk: How to Navigate Information Chaos to Prevent Lifestyle Diseases to inform you about the many types of disinformation, misinformation, and missing information that may lead you to make incorrect health decisions that can lead to lifestyle diseases.
Your Health is at Risk is informative and easy to read. It helps you learn how to distinguish between accurate science-based information versus disinformation and misinformation. It includes questions you can ask your doctor about the cause and treatment of diabetes. It explains what you can do to prevent heart disease. It offers insights you probably do not know about cancer and what a patient with cancer can do to improve the chances of survival.
Get your copy of Your Health Is At Risk on Amazon today.

Your Health Is at Risk
In 2020, there were over 122 million people in the U.S. diagnosed with elevated blood glucose, 34 million with the diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, and 88 million diagnosed with prediabetes, yet their hope for healthy living is thwarted by medical dogma, disinformation, misinformation, and missing information.
Disinformation, Misinformation, and Missing Information, which is abbreviated “DMMI”, fuels growing health illiteracy and unhealthy lifestyle choices. This drives not only increases in Type 2 diabetes but also cancer, cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19, and other illnesses considered lifestyle diseases.
As described in my 5th book, Your Health Is at Risk, a literate person in today’s world is aware that the traditional media and social media are swarming with intentional disinformation about many topics, from politics to finances, to health advice and diet plans. Literacy, critical thinking, and a tolerance for reading scientific material are absolutely necessary to detect such disinformation.