If you are the parent of a child with cancer, the overwhelming multitude of questions, feelings, and associated anxiety is hard to contain. What caused the cancer? What can you as a parent do to help your child live through it? What is the future for your child?
Last month I shared my conversation about Surviving Cancer with Sara Troy of Self Discovery Media. Our second show discusses my book When Your Child Has Cancer: Insights and Information to Empower Parents which guides you to understand childhood cancer.
My two new scientific theories explain how the leading types of childhood cancers might occur, given that children have not lived long enough to develop the number of gene mutations that usually cause adult cancers. You will learn how you, as parents, can care for your child with cancer with understanding and sensitivity, creating a loving home environment full of communal activities to reduce everyone’s stress and worry.
Most importantly, I explain why your child’s diet can be a key corollary element in controlling cancer along with medical treatments. You will learn how a diet low in grains and grain-flour products slows cancer cell growth, giving your child’s immune system a better chance to contain it.
Self Discovery Media is focusing our direction on showcasing the work that people and organizations are doing globally in helping to redirect the world and its inhabitants to live a more tranquil purposeful and meaningful liberating life. Listen to my previous interview with Sara Troy, Exposing Medical Myths, Empowering Patients with New Scientific Insights.

In 2020, there were over 122 million people in the U.S. diagnosed with elevated blood glucose, 34 million with the diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, and 88 million diagnosed with prediabetes, yet their hope for healthy living is thwarted by medical dogma, disinformation, misinformation, and missing information.
Disinformation, Misinformation, and Missing Information, which is abbreviated “DMMI”, fuels growing health illiteracy and unhealthy lifestyle choices. This drives not only increases in Type 2 diabetes but also cancer, cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19, and other illnesses considered lifestyle diseases.
As described in my 5th book, Your Health Is at Risk, a literate person in today’s world is aware that the traditional media and social media are swarming with intentional disinformation about many topics, from politics to finances, to health advice and diet plans. Literacy, critical thinking, and a tolerance for reading scientific material are absolutely necessary to detect such disinformation.

When Your Child Has Cancer: Insights and Information to Empower Parents
If you are the parent of a child with cancer, the questions and feelings you have can be overwhelming. In this insightful and thoughtful book, you will find information, hope, advice, and solace.
When Your Child Has Cancer expertly guides you to understand childhood cancer. I offer two new scientific theories to explain how the leading types of childhood cancers might occur, given that children have not lived long enough to develop the number of gene mutations that usually cause adult cancers.
You will learn how you as parents can care for your child with cancer. Most importantly, you will learn how your child’s diet can be a key corollary element in controlling cancer along with the medical treatments.