In November of 2019 I am grateful to have been interviewed by Marsha Wietecha on her radio show, Born To Talk. We discussed the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and how each are being treated and why. Listen to the full show.
Marsha asks me to clarify the type 2 Diabetes condition versus the Type 1 disease. On a cellular level, I describe what is going on in the body in both cases. The higher level of insulin can have high metabolic effects in the body. The lower the amount of grains you take in, the less insulin you will need to take in to treat your Type 1 Diabetes.
At around 25 minutes in, we discuss the staggering numbers, actually 1.5 million people a year, are being diagnosed, with Type 2 diabetes when only 30 years ago it was hardly known.
We are spending almost a billion dollars a day treating type 2. If we do not take control of this, there will not be any money left in medicare in 10 years, just for treating people with Type 2 diabetes. We are paying through taxes and our insurance premiums. We will all pay for it whether we like it or not.
Many of the people are being diagnosed and it diet is related to this. This condition can be reversed through lowering your intake of grains and grain-based products. We can lower the treatment costs, there are measures and medications that are not really proven to help. 10 billion dollars a year is spent just on testing and equipment. We must demand to know the exact cause and it is not insulin resistance.
We further discuss eating and chewing and why chewing is so important. Click on this image below to listen to the show.

I’ve found through my Conversations and Connections that we all share a sense of Community. It might be where you live, or perhaps it’s a sense of fellowship with others sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
The natural progression of Community is a sense of belonging resulting in relationships and story-telling. This is where my curiosity takes shape and I ask the question, “What’s Your Story?” We all have stories and I have the opportunity to share my guest’s stories and passions with you each week. — Marsha Wietecha, Born To Talk
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Diabetes: The Real Cause & The Right Cure
My informative yet easy to use book will guide you or a loved one to reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 8 weeks. My plan will also help you to remain diabetes free as you will take this on as a lifestyle. Make better choices and take ownership of your health today! Download the eBook for only 99 cents!