Covid-19 is causing diabetes in patients with no prior history. After becoming infected with Covid-19, the chances of developing diabetes increase. But what is the cause and how can we prevent it?
I suggest two possible mechanisms that could be working. Watch this video or continue to the transcript below to learn more.
#1 The coronavirus could activate an existing auto-immune disease in the person that is attacking the body and creating disfunction in the production of insulin. In this case, a test to detect antibodies in the patient could confirm that the immune system has been activated and is effecting the body’s production of insulin, causing high blood sugar.
#2 The coronavirus itself is interfering with or destroying the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. The virus enters the cell by first attaching itself to the receptor on the cell wall. They suggest that the coronavirus can enter cells and damage insulin production capacity leading to type 2 diabetes.
What can we do to prevent it?
First, take every precaution to minimize your risk of contracting Covid-19.
But if you already have type 2 diabetes and are already taking diabetes medications, I recommend that you cut your grains intake to half of what you currently eat. This could help you reduce the dosage of your medications and lower your blood sugar to reduce your risk of getting a severe case of Covid-19 if you got infected.

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