The 2017 Journal of Personalized Medicine reported on various wearable fitness trackers and the accuracy of their information. It found that when it comes to counting the steps for the heart rate they are great, but when it comes to calculating energy expenditures such as calories, they are not accurate.
That means if you are expecting to lose weight by exercise and expect weight loss based on energy expenditure as recorded by your device, you may be disappointed because you may not be seeing the expected weight loss compared to the measured calorie expenditure. However even if that were accurate, I suggest do not depend on exercise to lose weight because each pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. Even if you exercise for one hour, you may only expend 200-250 calories.
It takes almost 12 hours of exercise to lose 1 pound of weight. Watch this video to learn more:
If the fitness trackers helps you be motivated, to continue the exercise, by all means use it. The objective of exercise is to condition your body, by that I mean condition your heart, condition your lungs, and condition your muscles.
Make it an enjoyable part of your day, whether you run or walk or jog it makes no difference – Be active! And that will help you in the long term.
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